Bible Verses: 18-19
You who are slaves must accept the authority of your masters with all respect. DO what they tell you - not only if they are kind and reasonable, but even if they're cruel.
For God is pleased with you when you do what you know is right and patiently endures unfair treatment.
I will accept the authority of my master/ boss.
This is one of the verses where the people of the world will be like :"What????" Ya i know, Christians we are...
Today is Christmas Sunday. Pastor Philip Heng reminded us how Jesus was made poor who us. Choir presented, i think we did pretty well, thank God! Though i felt like fainting half the time, thank God for granting me enough stamina to sing both the special items.
Then i realised, my chest was hurting and i didn't get enough rest after over exerting from being the game In Charge yesterday. You know, even for Christians, we got to be reminded how to be appreciative, even the older Christians. We are always learning.
I like what Pastor Heng preached today. Short and straight to the point.
2 Corinthians 8:9
For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that ye through His poverty might be rich.
Pastor had his notes typed out neatly, my challenge for you is to spend the next 5 minutes reading it!
A. Our Lord Jesus Christ was rich
1. He was one with the Father (John 10:30)
2. Had the same glory as God the Father before the world was (John 17:5)
3 Dwelt "in the bosom of the Father" (John 1:18)
4. Was "the brightness of His [the Father's] glory (Hebrew 1:3)
5 Was "the express image [facsimile] of the Father" (Heb 1:3)
6. Was Creator of the universe (Hebrew 1:2)
7. He upholds the universe. By Him, all things consist [adhere, hold together] (Colossians 1:17)
8. He was rich in power over nature, sin, sickness, death, Satan, evil spirits, man (Matthew 28:18)
9. He was rich in glory (Ephesians 1:18). Had the same glory as God the Father (John 17:5).
10. He was rich in wisdom (Romans 11:33). "In Him are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" (Colossians 2:3)
11. He was rich in majesty (Jude 25).
12. He was rich in grace (Ephesians 1:7, 2:7)
13 He was rich in goodness (Romans 2:4)
14 He was rich in blessing (Ephesians 1:3)
15. He was rich in mercy (Ephesians 2:4)
16. He was rich in riches (Ephesians 3:8).
17. He was rich in love (Galatians 2:20).
18. He is the Son of God.
B. Our Lord Jesus Christ became poor
1. He took upon Himself the form of man.
2. He was made in the likeness of man.
3. He took the form of a servant (Philippians 2:7)
4. He came obedient unto death (Philippians 2:8)
5. He suffered the death of the Cross (Philippians 2:8)
6. When Ha came to Earth, there was no room for Him in the inn (Luke 2:7)
7. He was born in a manger (Luke 2:7, 16)
8. He was wrapped in swaddling clothes (Luke 2:7, 12)
9 His mother made a sacrifice of a pair of turtle doves (luke 2:24). This showed how poor His family was.
10. As an adult, the Lord said that He had nowhere to lay His head (Matthew 8:20)
11. For the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, He had to borrow a donkey (Mark 11:2)
12. For the Last Supper, He had to borrow an Upper Room (Matthew 26:18)
13. Even before He hung on the Cross, His robe was taken away and the soldiers gambled for it.
14. After His death, he was laid in a borrowed tomb (John 19:41)
C. We who are poor
1. We are lost sinners, born with a sinful nature.
2. We are lost and undone.
3. Facing future judgement for sin.
4. After death, we will be consigned to the Lake of Fire.
5. We are helpless and weak and cannot pay the penalty of sin or help ourselves.
6. We are under the curse of death.
7. We are in the Kingdom of Satan.
8. We are awaiting Hell and the Lake of Fire.
D. Our Lord Jesus Christ came to make us rich
1. When we believe in Him, we become God's child (John 1:12)
2. We are saved from future judgement to come.
3. We have our sins forgiven.
4. We become future citizens of heaven, beginning now on Earth.
5. We become heirs of God.
6. We become joint-heirs with the Lord Jesus Christ.
7. Our lives are transformed.
8. We are saved and become saints, and our future is in Heaven, to live with God eternally.
9. Isn't it amazing what Christ had come to do for us?
E. Conclusion
1. What will you do with Jesus, the Son of God?
2. He came to be Saviour of the world. He came to be the way to God.
3. Is it that difficult to decide what to do with Jesus?
4. If you are hungry, you need to eat. If you are thirsty, you need to drink. If you are sick, you need to consult a doctor.
5. If you are spiritually sick and troubled by your sin or by evil spirits, or by the fear of judgement to come, you need a Saviour.
6. Only Jesus can save you. He is God's Gift at Christmas, just for you. Will you receive Jesus as your Saviour now?
[Source: Galilee Bible-Presbyterian Church. Christmas Sunday, 19 Dec 2010. Speaker: Rev Philip Heng]
my buddies got baptised and transferred!! Happiness!
Phoebe and Me (Baptism)

Peiling and Me (Transferred)

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