Switched my alarm tone to a really irritating one, it worked!!
Listened to the hymns Sis Karina lent me.. Like it.. Settled down and did my Quiet Time without having to worry I am rushing for time..
Today woke up earlier, so I spent a bit of time reading the Bible.
Oh! Let me share the method I am using to read through the Bible...
All you have to do, is to take the number of pages of your Bible and divide it by number of days you want to finish it.
It's important to get a version you understand, afterall God meant for His Word to be understood.
I liked New Living Translation, you can go to www.biblegateway.com, and looked at the different versions. I prefer NLT, because the translation is done using the "Word-for-Word" (mainly in King James Version) AND "Thought-for-Thought" (New International Version)
So let's say, I wish to complete reading my Bible in 90 days, I'll take the pages (1075) divided by 90, and I get about 11.6something, which I round up to 12 pages.. If I read 12 pages at every meal, i'll finish reading through the bible in 30 days! hee..
But the Word of God is meant to be meditated on, to reflect, to draw lessons from. So as I read the first 3 times, I used a green highlighter pen to highlight "Examples to follow", "Things a believer should do"
I am reading from the start again, and right now I am using a red coloured pencil to colour "Bad examples", "warnings", "things not to do"...
Have a blessed time reading His Word!
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