Monday, February 7, 2011

(CNY 4th Day) Combined Sunday Worship

Today Rev Yap talked about the origins of the Zodiac signs. It's not base on some fairy tales on how the animals had a race, but rather, how our ancestors were using the strength of these animals in pairs.

As usual, with my not too good notes taking skills, i might have left out some really important points.. And my memory is not that good.. 

As Jesus said in Matthew 10:16, to be wise as serpents and harmless as dove. We are to strike a balance living as Christian.

Rat --> smart
Ox --> hard working

With these two combined, we are to work smart and hard!

tiger --> Courage
Rabbit --> cautious

We are to be courageous yet at the same time not being rash.

dragon --> strength
Snake --> flexible

We can learn to be flexible with our might..

Horse --> fast
Goat  --> gentle

In a fast pace society, it's important to remember to be gentle with our actions and words too.

Monkey --> agile
Chicken --> stability

(cant remember this one)

Dog --> trustworthy
Pig--> easy going

cant remember much for this one, but i do remember him quoting Barnabus as an example of having both traits.

Went to watch Green hornet with JAs and Joc, then went over to candice's house!

1 comment:

  1. monkey and chicken:

    be steady, yet flexible-- don't be swayed away from our christian principles.

    doggy and piggy:

    too much of a dog=>legalist
    too much of a pig=>compromise faith
