2 Timothy 2:22
Run from anything that stimulates youthful lusts. Instead, pursue righteous living, faithfulness, love, and peace. Enjoy the companionship of those who call on the Lord with pure hearts.
I am grateful and thankful to God for friends who recognise my learning needs and adjust to it, kinda strengthen what i have been learning in school, intergrating people with needs.. Yes I know the picture looks childish, but hey, I can remember what the verse says, and where it came from instead of the usual, "Er, its one of Paul's letters" haha..
Sometimes I find that people often fails to see what other needs. Either that or they think the whole world sees like how they do. Did you really consider if anyone in your group can adjust to your plans, did you find time to know those who are following you, or are you caught up with the "I can do it, so can you" attitude?
I am so glad God called me to be an Early Childhood Educator. When a child so call misbehaves, we do not label the child as naughty, mischievous but instead, we questioned ourselves, "What does this child need?" Oftentimes, we were quick to judge and blame it on the parents or even the child themselves, but haha, guess what, sometimes its the teachers' fault!
Whenever someone disappear, appears to be loud, appears to be rude, appear to be negative, these are people calling for help without even them knowing it. They are in need of something, someone to help them.
We're all different, and I am so glad, Jesus knows us to the very core. I do know what my gifts are, and I know being an Evangelist is not one of them. I do share my testimony but not set numeric goals in X number of years. I am a vessel for God's use, if He wants me to share, I share. If He calls me somewhere else, I go.
For the record, the bible never states any apostles setting numeric goals in X number of years. They go where God wants them to go. It is the love from God and the love for God that pushes them. Not marketing strategies or whatsoever.
Do not coporatized (if there's such a word) God's work. He's the CEO, not any of us.
So people, if you love God and remember what He did for you at Calvary, automatically you will share..
If you haven been sharing, well.. It is my prayer that you will remember what and how Jesus came to die for you and me.
God blesses and loves.
208 days
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