Mrs Teo shared from Romans 15:5-7
May God, who gives this patience and encouragement, help you live in complete harmony with each other, as is fitting for followers of Christ Jesus.
Then all of you can join together with one voice, giving praise and glory to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Therefore, accept each other just as Christ has accepted you so that God will be given glory.
She reminded us to have the attitude of Christ (Philippians 2:1-11), which also means to reflect the fruits of the Holy Spirit.
-Be of one mind..
- serve others
- giving up our own interest
-self-sacrifice. Like Paul, still preaching when in prison. Christ gives power to deny self..
- Unity. Paul encourages to work together, contend ONE enemy (i.e devil). Growing in Christ requires discipline, focus on Him..
- Joy --> comes from depending on Him. Outside circumstances can never cause you joy, but comes from within.
I am really thankful to God to be able to have this job. I love the children.
At the same time, i am starting to feel multiple stress, and somehow my heart aches each time i feel stress.. Not fun.. Have to learn to give it all to God..
One of my church friend's mom passed away. My friend's really upset because her mum's not saved. I can understand how she feels. If mummy leaves me without accepting Jesus, I don't know how i would react.. But God's still in control no matter what..
Praying hard for my children. For myself, i prayed for wisdom, patience, and most of all love. Like Paul says in 2 Cor, do everything in love. Without love, whatever you do doesnt bring joy, does not bring satisfaction..
Met up for dinner with my besties, Anne Marie, Aly, Shirin & Heng and of course my godson Lusius Ignatius Heng. He's such a cute and wonderful boy. His observation skills are wonderful, such a clever boy! Oh, and he's really social-able too.. Would love to have him in my class.

watching flashcards apps on his dad's iphone.. Yes he knows how to use it!

tired from the lil outing... Woke up after his mum puts on his pjs...

Shirin drives now, and she offered to drive me home. So embarrassing coz she stays at Sembawang. Gave me some tips on how to pass theory.. Haha.. super cool..
Wooo.. Tired...
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