Monday, February 14, 2011

(Main Worship Service) Obedience yields blessings

Luke 5:1-11
Preacher: Rev Simon

Disclaimer: I'm not good at taking notes so this is not word for word, but what I want to remember from the sermon.

Our human nature wants God to bend to our will, and not us willingly obeying God.

How will God mold us?
Hot to surrender totally?

Disobedience occurs when we're distracted with earthly things.
But in all our lives, to the ones He had called, God created "U" turns for us to turn back to Him.

Many a times, when we have to face situations and circumstances are pressing us for a solution, the world's way always seemed to be rational and logical, compared to following the Word of God.

Do you know Jesus?

(1) Our disobedience does not distance us from God.

Jesus is fully aware of our characteristics.

Peter was washing and mending his nets when Jesus commanded him to push his boat out to the water so that He could preach. Thereafter, Jesus further commanded Peter to bring the boat into the deep "for a catch".

Our disobedience is dismantled by God's design.

Peter was a professional fisherman, trained probably since young. His initial answer showed two things:

- Prejudice - views of people. In this case, on Jesus, the son of a carpenter.. Peter probably thought Jesus knows nothing about fishing..

- Experience - His past experiences would have told him that it is not possible to fish in the day but at night, and never in the deeper part of the sea..

Nonetheless, Peter gave his half-hearted obedience and followed Jesus' instructions.
In the end, he caught so much fishes, his net almost broke..

A clouded heart and crowded mind is incapable of processing will of God..

We should pray daily, seeking the Lord in our devotions during Quiet Time..
God uses adnormal situations to make a point.

Will you let your net down in different situations?

(2) Our Obedience yields blessings.

It is impossible to have met God and still live the life you want.

After the miracle,
- Peter felt guilty. For he immediately knelt down and asked Jesus to go away from him, confessing he has too much sins.

- He was also amazed, the miracle stand against everything he had experienced in all his years of working, against all natural law..

- Forsook everything to follow Jesus.

Jesus promised to make them fishers of men. So what is the differences between being Fisherman and Fisher of men..

Fisherman                      Fisher of Men
Catch from                      Release to
death                              salvation
Earth                              Heaven
Darkness                            Light

What Peter forsook to follow Jesus
- Profession
- 2 boats of fishes
- investment (the boats he has)
- lifestyle
- family

We will have many failures, but Jesus never gives up.

Do you know Jesus?

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