Saturday, July 28, 2012

Special days

Today our church young adult fellowship has a sistrrs' apprrciation night. this is the day where guys from yaf planned and prepared menu and programmes. and then treat the ladies to a day of special treatment.

some asked me why i dont join.
2 reasons.
Firstly, i need to bring my niece to childrens and junior fellwoship.

secondly, i dont believe in spending only one day for anything...

everyday should be mothers' day,
everyday fathers' day
everyday should be easter
everyday should be christmas.

its my own pov. because i have witness how people mistreated one another for 364 days, and only that one day of nice treatment. hmmm..

well, i choose to live my life in remembrance and appreciation of what the Lord has done for me, what my mum did to raise me.up, how my sisters contribute and loved me, how the children im teaching are always.precious and lovely, how my nieces, nephews and grandnephews are gifts from God to me, EVERY SINGLE DAY...

Life's short, i wont always have ONE SINGLE DAY to treat others "nicely"

i choose to do it everyday.

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